Tag: Kaffens
Solar Eclipse Party
It was a dark and…clear afternoon for the April 8th eclipse (happy thoughts!) at Sharon and Ron’s lovely farm! Please join us for a nearly once in a lifetime event. The total solar eclipse will take place on Monday, April the 8th, with partiality beginning at 1:59pm, the total eclipse beginning at 3:13pm, ending at 3:17pm. Please BYO everything…a lunch, your beverage of choice, a chair, perhaps even a blanket. Remember..SAFETY FIRST!!! You MUST use safe solar viewing glasses (aka ‘eclipse glasses’/’eclipse viewers’). The American Astronomical Society (AAS) has a list of reputable vendors. Don’t delay, get those glasses/viewers now!
Bring your own food (or food to share), your own drink, and anything else you might need during the afternoon. It’s supposed to be fairly warm, so you probably won’t need a blanket!
Questions/concerns please call Tim or Paula
7577 Bear Swamp Road Wadsworth, Ohio 44281