Cuyahoga Valley Ski and Social Club
In 2025 the club is going to Sun Valley, Idaho and Snowmass, Colorado. A trip to Kissing Bridge/Holiday Valley in January is our more local trip. Come join us. We’re also going to Hocking Hills in May for a weekend of hiking!
Hiking, biking, bowling, Euchre, winery visits, craft beer visits, Super Bowl parties, an annual golf outing, and so much more!
Quote from our President
Yes, we are a ski club, and now we are an all season outdoor club and have many social activities. Check the calendar to see what we are doing, and come join us. I hope to see you on my next wildflower walk.
What the VP of Fun has to say!
You better have a lot of energy, because we have many activities planned. Or just join us for a few.
Where do you want to ski in future years?
2025 trips are planned and full. So we are planning now for 2026 Big Sky is one of our top choices. Where else do you want to ski? Contact me.
Our Club
The purpose of the Cuyahoga Ski and Social Club (formerly Goodyear Ski Club) centers on creating a vibrant and active social life for our members. Skiing and snowboarding are the centerpiece of our club, but are actually a small part of the wide range of terrific activities provided by CVSSC year round. We encourage everyone to join us, make new friends and keep active!